Revised 06/07/2018


NIPPON Lodge #9


Chartered, 16 March 1957

Under the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Japan SASEBO, JAPAN



In all ages, Societies have been organized and institutions founded. Having for them object the elevation of the character and the amelioration of the condition of Man. Among these stands forth Pre-eminently the Institution of Freemasonry, which has existed from time immemorial and received the sanction of the wisest and best of men in all ages. This institution teaches us to have Faith in God, hope in mortality and Charity to all mankind; and inculcates the exercise of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, and the practice of those virtues that elevate and adorn society. The purity of its Principles softens the asperities of the human character, and unites in the universal chain of Friendship men of every country, sect and opinion, and conciliates true Friendship amongst those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance. Freemasons meet, not to indulge in conviviality, nor to acquire Political power, nor to engage in religious strife, ours is not a school where polities are discussed, nor harangues delivered to influence a brother's faith. Each individual is free to choose, both in politics and religion, the creed most in accordance with his own sense of right and judgment. In a word, we associate as brothers that, by unity of action, the benevolent Principles of the human mind may be brought into more active and useful exercise in relieving the wants of the friendless and distressed; in visiting the sick, in administering consolation to the widow, and extending a helping hand to the orphan. To the unworthy, the door of the Sacred Temple of Freemasonry is ever closed; but to the virtuous and humane, who would drink at the pure fountain of Benevolence and Truth. the invitation is. ''Ask, and ye shall receive; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you."


Of Name and Officers 

Section 1. This Lodge shall be known by the name of NIPPON Lodge #9, Free and Accepted Masons, and its Officers shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Chaplain, a Marshall, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, two Stewards,  a Tiler, and such other Officers as the Lodge may deem proper to appoint.


Of Elections and Appointments

Section 1. The Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, 'Treasure, Secretary, shall be elected by ballot, in conformity with articles 100, 100a, and 100b of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge. The other officers shall be appointed by the Master, except the Junior Deacon, who may be appointed by the Senior Warden, any Master Mason in good standing, whether or not a member of the Lodge, may be appointed Tiler.

Section 2. No member shall solicit for himself or for any other member of any Lodge any elective or appointive office in a lodge, nor shall any electioneering, canvassing, or soliciting of votes or support for any member be allowed. Nominations of candidates for office shall not be made. A violation of this section shall be deemed unmasonic and shall subject the offender to such discipline as the Lodge may determine. This section shall be read in open lodge by the Master at the stated meetings of October, November, and December of each year.


Of Meetings of the Lodge

Section 1. Stated Meetings of this Lodge shall be holden on the first Wednesday in each month at18:00 PM.

Section 2. Special Meetings may be called from time to time, as the Lodge, or the Presiding Officer thereof,  may direct.

Section 3. The Grand Master is empowered to approve the petition of any Lodge for a vacation period providing that no Stated Meeting shall be held during said period, which period shall in no case exceed three consecutive Stated Meetings.

Section 4. Special Business Meetings may be called for a specific item or items of great importance to the Lodge by the Presiding Officer when the Grand Master's permission is granted and the membership within a 40-kilometer (25 mile) radius of the Lodge is given written notification 48 hours in advance of such meetings.


Of Initiation and Membership

Section 1. All petitions for initiation, dual membership, or affiliation, must be signed by the petitioner and be recommended by two members of the Lodge. A duplicate of every such petition shall be forwarded immediately to the Grand Secretary for publication. Every such petition shall be referred to a committee of three, whose duty it shall be to report thereon at the next stated meeting (unless further time be granted) when the applicant shall be balloted for and received or rejected.

 Section 2. If an applicant, elected to receive the degrees in the Lodge, does not come forward to be initiated within three (3) months thereafter, the fee shall be forfeited by the candidate, unless the Lodge shall otherwise direct.

Section 3. Every person raised to the degree of Master Mason in this Lodge (except when such degree shall have been conferred at the request of another Lodge), or elected to be a member t hereof, shall sign its By-Laws.


Of Initiation and Membership

Section 1. All petitions for initiation, dual membership, or affiliation, must be signed by the petitioner and be recommended by two members of the Lodge. A duplicate of every such petition shall be forwarded immediately to the Grand Secretary for publication. Every such petition shall be referred to a committee of three, whose duty it shall be to report thereon at the next stated meeting (unless further time be granted) when the applicant shall be balloted for and received or rejected.

Section 2. If an applicant, elected to receive the degrees in the Lodge, does not come forward to be initiated within three (3) months thereafter, the fee shall be forfeited by the candidate, unless the Lodge shall otherwise direct.

Section 3. Every person raised to the degree of Master Mason in this Lodge (except when such degree shall have been conferred at the request of another Lodge), or elected to be a member thereof, shall sign its By-Laws.



Of the Treasurer

Section 1. The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary; shall keep an accurate and just account thereof. shall pay the same out only upon an order duly signed by the Master and countersigned by the Secretary. He shall, at the Stated Meetings in June and December of each year, submit a report in full of the monetary transactions of the Lodge. The Lodge may also, at any time when considered necessary, cause him to present an account of his receipts and disbursements and of the amount of funds on hand.

Section 2. He shall, if required by the Lodge, execute a good and sufficient bond to the Master, for the faithful performance of his duties.


Of the Secretary

Section 1. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of al1 proceedings proper to be written; shall transmit a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge; shall keep a separate account for each member of the Lodge; shall report at the Stated Meetings in May and November of each year, the amounts due by each; shall receive all monies due the Lodge and pay the same monthly to the Treasurer; and shall perform all such other duties as may properly pertain to his office.

Section 2. He shall receive for his services, a compensation which may annually be fined by the Lodge, and when so required by the Lodge, shall file a bond in sufficient amount in favor of the Worshipful Master as guaranty of the faithful performance of his du ties; provided that until all current obligations of the Lodge are paid. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Lodge may direct.


                                                     ARTICLE   VII

Of the Tiler

Section 1. The Tiler, in addition to the necessary duties of his office, shall serve all notices and summonses, and perform such other services as may be required of him by the Lodge.

Section 2.  He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Lodge may direct.



Of Fees

Section 1. The table of fees for this Lodge shall be as follows; For the three degrees, the sum of $700.00; for the degree of Fellow Craft and Master Mason, when the first degree shall have been received in another Lodge, the sum of $390.00; for the degree of Master Mason, when the first and second degree shall have been received in another· Lodge, the sum of $196; and for Affiliation or Dual Membership, the sum of $120.00.

Section 2. The fee for each of the foregoing shall accompany the petitions or applications (in accordance with Article 136a) else they shall NOT be presented to the Secretary of the Lodge.



Of Dues

Section l. The dues of each member of this Lodge shall be $120.00 payable in advance.

Section 2. No member, who shall be in arrears for dues at the time of the annual election, shall be permitted to vote, or shall be eligible for any office.

Section 3. Should any member, suspended for non-payment of dues, neglect for the period of two years to pay said dues or have the same remitted by   the Lodge, said member may be restored to good standing only as provided by Article 104a of the Constitution.

Section 4. Any member in good standing may withdraw from membership by paying his dues and notifying the Lodge in writing to that effect at a stated meeting; but no recommendatory certificate shall be issued to him unless ordered by the Lodge.

Section 5. By unanimous decision of the Lodge at a Regular Stated Meeting, a dual or affiliated member who has performed outstanding service to Nippon Lodge No 9, may be presented his next years dues receipt without the usual fee.

Section 6. The table of Fees for Life Time Membership for this Lodge shall be as follows:

One-time only Life Membership payment shall be as follows, with amount calculated by age of the individual on the day he is entered into the Life Membership program. The payment to be revisited every five (5) years to compensate for inflation and increase of annual head tax. Life Membership fees paid by said member and placed into the Life Membership Fund will be placed into the general fund of the Lodge.



Of Committees

The Master shall have power to draw upon the Treasurer for any sum, not exceeding ¥500,000 at any one time, dependent on funds availability, for the relief of a distressed worthy Brother as recommended by the Committee on Masonic Relief. Qualifications of Application for Masonic Relief:

Section 1.  Member should be in good standing. Member is in extreme financial difficulties due to the following condition          

                          a       Medical (severely ill or injured)

                          b       Funeral Assistance

  1.                      c.       Disaster Relief

Application for Relief of a Distress Brother:

An application for relief can be submitted by any brother in good standing to the Lodge via the Secretary.  The application will be read by the Secretary during the Stated Meeting and will be forwarded to the Committee of Masonic Relief for investigation.

Secretary’s Responsibilities:

  1. Will receive all applicants for Masonic Relief, record, and forwarded to the Worshipful Master for review and determination.

  2. Upon receipt of notification of approval from the Worshipful Master, will issue a PAY WARRANT to the treasurer for disbursement to the member

Worshipful Master’s Responsibilities:

  1. Will review all applicants given by the Secretary and will determine the eligibility of the request.

  2. Upon determination of the eligibility, will call the Masonic Relief Committee for further investigation and recommendation.

  3. Receive recommendation from the Committee, review, and approve or disapprove the request.

Committee Members:

The Committee will be composed of three permanents (currently holding office) and two current Lodge members (in good standing) as follows:

Chairman   -   Junior Warden (permanent)

Members   -   Secretary (permanent)

                      Treasurer (permanent)

                       Lodge member

                       Lodge member

Treasurer’s Responsibilities:

Upon receipt of the PAY WARRANT from the Secretary, will be responsible for the disbursement and recording of financial assistance approved by the Worshipful Master.




To:  Worshipful Master, Nippon Lodge No. 9

Via:  Secretary, Nippon Lodge No. 9   


1. (Introduction and state the nature of the request)

2. (Type of relief requesting i.e. monetary, goods, service, etc.)

  1. (Additional remarks)


                                                      Sincerely and Fraternally,





To:  Worshipful Master, Nippon Lodge No. 9

The Committee has conducted a thorough investigation and the following report and recommendations are provided for your review and approval/disapproval.

Name:                ____________________________________              Date:    _____________

Good Standing:   YES             NO

Reason for request: 



Investigation findings:






In the amount of:  ________________

_______________________    _______________________      ____________________

(Chairman)                             (Secretary)                                (Treasurer)

_______________________    _______________________

(Member)                               (Member)

________________________ Approve:            Disapprove:  

(Worshipful Master)

Date: _____________________

Section 2. The Master, at the Stated Meeting of his election, shall appoint an auditing committee, whose duty it shall be to examine all accounts presented against the Lodge, and report at the next Stated Meeting

Section 3 All reports of committees shall be made in writing.

           ARTICLE   XI

               Of Revealing the Transactions of the Lodge


Section 1. When a candidate for initiation, dual membership, or affiliation is rejected, or a Brother reprimanded, or expelled, no member or visitor shall reveal. either directly or indirectly, to such person, or to any other, any transactions which may have taken place on the subject; nor shall any proceedings of the Lodge, not proper to be made public, be disclosed outside thereof, under the penalty of reprimand, suspension, or expulsion, as the Lodge may determine.


Of the Order of Business

Section 1. The regular order of business at every Stated Meeting of this Lodge shall be as follows:

a. Reading of the Minutes

b. Treasurer's Report

c. Reading of Bills

d. Reports of Committees

e. Reading of Grand Lodge Bulletin

f. Balloting 

g. Reception of Petitions

h. Unfinished Business

i. New Business

j. Correspondence

k. Conferring of Degrees


Of Amendments

Section 1. These Bylaws, so far as relates to the time of meetings, and the amounts of fees, dues, and disbursements by the Charity Committee, may be amended at any Stated Meeting by the votes of two thirds (2/3) of the members present; PROVIDED: that written notice of such amendment shall have been given at the Stated Meeting next preceding. But such amendment shall have no effect until approved by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master, and until such approval shall have been transmitted to the Grand Secretary. The Secretary of the lodge shall note upon the minutes of the Lodge, the notice of proposed amendments when made and when transmitting and amendment for approval shall forward a certificate, under Seal, showing that the Law has been complied with and that the amendment has received the requisite vote.


Additional Provisions      

At the Annual Installation of Officers of NIPPON Lodge #9, the following presentations may be made;

a. To the newly installed Senior Warden, a gavel.

b. To the newly installed Junior Warden, a miniature set of working tools.

c. The Retiring Master, a Past Master's apron, case, and jewel.

Section1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary and Wardens to arrange for the purchase of these articles, the expense to be borne by the Lodge.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of each Worshipful Master, as soon after his installation as is convenient, to have taken, framed, and hung in a space provided, a portrait in formal attire, the expense to be borne by the Lodge.


I Thereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the By-Laws of NIPPON Lodge #9, Free and Accepted Masons, as adopted by the Lodge at the Stated Meeting of April 04, 2018.


                                                                                                                              Earle A. Epperson, Secretary, Nippon Lodge No 9

                                                     Date: 06/07/2018